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Cookies: A "cookie " is a small file that is stored on the user's computer and allows us to recognize . The set of "cookies " to help us improve the quality of our website by enabling us to monitor which pages our users are useful and which are not. Cookies are essential for the functioning of the Internet , providing many advantages in providing interactive services , providing navigation and usability of our website. Please note that cookies can not harm your computer and, in return, which are enabled us to identify and resolve errors . The information provided below will help you understand the different types of cookies: Session Cookies : These are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your browser until you leave the website , so that none is recorded in the user's hard drive . The information collected through these cookies is used to analyze traffic patterns on the web . Ultimately, this allows us to provide a better experience to improve the content and improve usability . Permanent cookies: are stored on the hard drive and reads the website each time you make a return visit. A persistent cookie has a set expiration date . The cookie will stop working after that date . We use generally to facilitate the purchase and registration services . The following is a list of the main cookies used on our site , distinguishing : Cookies strictly necessary as for example, those which serve to correct navigation or that allow for the payment of goods or services requested by the user or cookies to serve to ensure that the web page content is loaded efficiently. Third-party cookies such as those used by social networks , or external plugins like Google Maps content . Cookies analytical purposes and periodic maintenance in order to ensure the best possible service to the user, web sites make use of cookies normally " analytical " to collect activity statistics . List and description of cookies: Cookies strictly necessary Cookie Name Purpose PHPSESSID This cookie is used to identify the user and shopping cart in the system uso_cookie This cookie indicates that you accept the use of cookies on this site Affiliate This cookie is used to recognize the purchase made by reference to one of our affiliates Third Party Cookies Cookie Name Purpose _utma _utmb _utmc _utmz PREF Ndid These cookies Google Analytics generate an anonymous user ID that is used to count how many times a user visits the site . It also records when was the first and last time you visited the website . It calculates when a session is over , home user and keywords . Additional guarantees - Manage cookies: As an additional safeguard to those described above , the registration of cookies may be subject to your acceptance during the installation or update of the browser used , and this acceptance may at any time be revoked by the content options and privacy settings available on your browser . Most browsers allow you to turn one way whereby private cookies are deleted after your visit always . Depending on the browser this way may have different names private . Below is a list of the most common browsers and different names of this " private mode" : Internet Explorer 8 and InPrivate top Safari 2 and higher Private Browsing Opera 10.5 Private Browsing and higher FireFox 3.5 and higher Private Browsing Google Chrome 10 and higher Incognito Important : Please carefully read the help section of your browser to learn more about privacy settings on and how enable " private mode" . You can still visit our shop if your browser is in "private mode " , although browsing the same may not be optimal and some utilities may not function properly .
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