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I. General Information.
II. Object.
III. Use of the Website and Responsibility.
IV. Intellectual property.
V. Law and Jurisdiction.
I. Overview.

I. General Information. NUDECOM ACILEGNA SL (Carteras y billeteros .es ) established in Isaac Albeniz 1 CP: 30400, Caravaca de la Cruz (Murcia) of Spain, with contact numbers, CIF: B73830598, a company registered in the trade register of Murcia , Volume 3023 general, Sheet 52, inscription 1, Page number MU-84220, with email address

Currently this company is operating through the network under the following domain name:Carteras y billeteros .es

II. Object.
The buying and selling of consumer products through any telematic, computer, internet medium.
The use of this website attributes the navigator the condition of user of the site, which implies adherence to these conditions in the version published at the time in which it is accessed. Therefore, I Carteras y billeteros .es  recommends that users read them carefully, as well as the general terms and conditions if necessary, each time you access the Web Site.

Carteras y billeteros .es may change at any time and without notice the design, presentation and / or configuration of the Website, and any or all Content, and modify the general and / or particular conditions required to use them.
III. Website Management and Accountability Lender.

Carteras y billeteros .es disclaims any liability for the information posted on its Web site, Carteras y billeteros .es , or any other dependent on this, provided that this information has been manipulated or introduced by a third party outside the organization.

This website aims to minimize problems caused by technical errors. However, some data or information contained in the pages may have been created or structured in files or not error-free formats, so you can not guarantee that the service shall not be temporarily interrupted or affected in any way by such technical problems. Carteras y billeteros .es  assumes no responsibility for said faults or technical errors that arise query result pages or any linked external forwarding the home page.

Any information posted by Carteras y billeteros .es  on its website, in any case must be confirmed before the own Carteras y billeteros .es  m by any of the modes of contact, in order to guarantee in any case the greater certainty of the truth all the exposed on the site.

This website has an online process of buying and selling products, which in any case governed by the provisions of the general terms and conditions set forth on the website. In the event of an incident at issue into the recruitment process must follow the procedure in the conditions of employment.
Should Web sites owned by Carteras y billeteros .es  can hold banners that allow users to access Web pages or links to third party property. In this case Carteras y billeteros .es  can not be held responsible for the contents therein could be accommodated and proceeding to withdraw them in the event that any user to communicate some sort of illegal content once it has checked the company.

At any time and without notice to User, Carteras y billeteros .es , you can carry out the temporary suspension of services on its website technical problems or force majeure.

IV. Intellectual property.
The content of the Website is an original work and protected by the Intellectual Property Law with all rights reserved for Carteras y billeteros .es , not allowing reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means of part or all of the content the material on this web Site, including without limitation, text, graphics, design code, without permission of the author. At no time can be copied, modified or decompiled source code by reverse engineering or any other technique that purpose.

All logos and trade Carteras y billeteros .es  are registered as trademarks in the public records thus counting with the benefit of the public faith registration of any kind of controversy in this regard.

Logos outside Carteras y billeteros .es  that may appear on the website belong to their respective owners, being in any case themselves responsible for any dispute that could arise concerning them. Placing them on the Web site of has been in any case, prior notification and acceptance by them.

The design of the Web Site is owned Carteras y billeteros .es  from its programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, therefore, express authorization is required in writing by Carteras y billeteros .es  for partial reproduction or total as well as for the exploitation, distribution and marketing in general.

Any claims filed by users in relation to possible breaches of the rights of intellectual property on any of the Content of this Website should be addressed to the following email address: mail:

V. Law and Jurisdiction.
These general conditions are ruled by the Spanish Law. The parties submit, at its option, to resolve conflicts and renouncing any other jurisdiction, the courts of the domicile of Carteras y billeteros .es
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