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We explain what leather and the process and type of finish applied on it by the tanning masters, to obtain different finishes that make it possible to obtain the leathers to manufacture wallets, wallets, backpacks, card holders, purses, bags with nubuck skins, patent leather, calfskin, leather, flush, etc ... or leathers, sheepskin or viras for saddlery or saddlery work. If you are interested in knowing, read more ...

The leather or skin of natural origin that is used in leather goods work, or in saddlery always has its origin in an animal that has been previously sacrificed for human consumption and depending on the part of the leather that is used, and the treatment that is used. It is applied in the tanning process of the leather. We can obtain different types of leather with different aspects and sensory characteristics both to touch, smell and sight. TYPES OF LEATHER ACCORDING TO THEIR ANIMAL ORIGIN: We can obtain leathers from almost all terrestrial and marine animals of different families such as bovines, bovines, equines, goats, reptiles, pigs, fish, etc ... the most common being cowhide , the pork pekari, the goat morocco or the sheep napa. On the other hand, all leather follows a surface treatment process to achieve its final appearance that we can classify into: TYPES OF LEATHER ACCORDING TO THE TANNING PROCESS THAT THEY CARRY OUT: Chrome Tanning: Very common in leathers that are going to be used for leather goods or footwear Vegetable tanning: Process for obtaining very resistant cow leather for saddlery. Mixed tanning: Adequate process to obtain the Sheepskin, in sheepskin. TYPES OF LEATHER ACCORDING TO THE APPLIED SURFACE FINISHING CARRIED OUT IN THE TANNING: Finishing with the application of pigments on the surface of the leather, such as anilines, semi-anilines and pigment. Finishing with the application of binders on the surface of the leather, of a protein type or thermodeformable. Finishing with special finishes, which give rise to leathers known as Patent leather, Florentique, greasy or greasy touch, old or aged leather, etc ... Finishing with plush leather finishes, such as: nubuck, suede, suede, split leather, turned leather, etc ... A proper choice of each of these types of skins or leathers will largely depend on the success, durability and good manufacturing of the leather articles and accessories that are made. The other great part of achieving success is the mastery of the leather craftsman or saddler or saddler who is going to carry out the work in his workshop with the necessary expertise and good knowledge of his millenary trade that never stops evolving.
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