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Objective data shows that the use of natural leather in the manufacture of wallets, bags, backpacks, belts, etc. protects the environment by generating a circular economy compared to the use of synthetic materials derived from petroleum in the manufacture of the same products that degrade ecosystems, seas and therefore the planet.

Leather goods with men's and women's leather wallets as an ecological alternative: leather versus synthetic materials. In a world that is increasingly aware of sustainability and the need to protect the environment, the debate on the most environmentally responsible materials is particularly relevant. One of the strongest arguments for preferring the use of leather from animals slaughtered for human consumption in leather goods is its greater durability, quality and biodegradability compared to synthetic materials derived from petroleum, whose handling and transformation is 100% polluting. Natural leather, as a by-product of the food industry, represents a way of making comprehensive use of resources that have already been used. By processing the leather to turn it into products such as wallets, bags, backpacks or belts, this material is prevented from ending up discarded as waste. In this sense, its use contributes to a fully circular economy, where each part of the animal finds a purpose and waste is reduced. And this is without false labels of environmentalism, because it is not profitable to sacrifice the life of an animal to use only its skin, if the rest of it is not introduced into the food industry. On the other hand, one of the greatest benefits of natural leather is its durability. Leather items have a significantly longer lifespan than those made from synthetic materials. A well-cared for leather bag can last decades, a leather wallet many years, while a similar product made from polyurethane or PVC tends to deteriorate quickly, creating a continuous cycle of consumption and disposal. This reduced wear and tear on the leather not only reduces the frequency with which products are replaced, but also decreases the amount of solid waste generated in the long term. In addition, leather is 100% biodegradable, something that synthetic materials cannot claim. At the end of their lifespan, leather products decompose naturally, reintegrating into the ecosystem without leaving harmful traces. In contrast, plastics and synthetic materials derived from petroleum can take hundreds of years to degrade, releasing microplastics and toxic chemicals that pollute soils, rivers and oceans, affecting flora and fauna irreversibly. On the other hand, the production of synthetic materials has a much greater environmental impact. These materials are made from petroleum derivatives, a highly polluting industry at every stage of its process, from extraction to transformation. The manufacture of plastics requires large amounts of energy and water, and emits greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. In addition, these products often contain chemical additives such as phthalates and flame retardants, which pose risks to both human health and ecosystems. In contrast, leather production, when carried out with responsible practices, can be much more sustainable. Advances in ecological tanneries have significantly reduced the use of toxic chemicals such as chromium, opting for methods based on plant extracts. This approach is not only less harmful to the environment, but also results in high-quality products that retain the unique properties of leather. For all of the above reasons, we believe that natural leather is a much more ecological and sustainable alternative than synthetic materials. Taking advantage of this by-product of the food industry to create durable, biodegradable and superior quality items not only reduces waste, but also contributes to reducing dependence on plastics and petroleum derivatives, whose intensive use in 20th-century society has caused real damage to the planet's ecosystems, seas and oceans. Choosing leather goods is not just an aesthetic or functional decision, but a conscious choice for a more environmentally friendly future. At, we have always thought that products manufactured from natural raw materials should be the heart of our extensive catalogue of products for sale, which is why leather goods made from cowhide and sheepskin or cotton canvas items make up 98% of our extensive catalogue with more than 1,400 references that we put at your disposal.
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