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Men's and women's wallets: To get it right when choosing your leather wallet


After almost ten years selling online, and fifty sales at the men's and women's wallet counter as well as all kinds of leather accessories, we are clear about what our customers want.  We allow you to offer a series of tips to help you make the right choice in your portfolio

Men's and women's wallets: To get it right when choosing your leather wallet
After almost ten years selling online, and fifty sales at the men's and women's wallet counter as well as all kinds of leather accessories, we are clear about what our customers want.

Based on our experience, we allow you to offer a series of tips to help you make the right choice in your portfolio if you read the following questions:

For how many things? Decide what you want to carry in your wallet every day: the identity document, money, credit cards or visits, special photos, postal receipts, lottery entries or prizes, etc ...

With purse or only with card wallet? It is essential to know if you want, or not, to carry the coins together with the rest of the things in the wallet. If you choose to carry it in a separate purse, it will significantly extend the life and status of the wallet, no matter whether it is a men's wallet or a women's wallet.

What size? Men's wallets are grouped into three types of size: the small one that occupies little more than one credit card, where 20 euro bills can be folded, and the rest folded. The medium size, where 50 euros bills come in and finally a large or large capacity where some models, in addition to many cards and any ticket, can even fit the passport.
In women's wallets the smallest size ranges between 12 or 13 centimeters, the medium size is 14 to 16 centimeters long and up to 18 or 20 centimeters long for larger wallets, with a capacity of up to 20 or 22 cards credit, double wallets with pockets, etc ...

Where are you going to take the wallet? In the case of men, it is a good fact to know what size you should choose to know in which pocket the wallet will carry, unless it is carried inside a bag or shoulder bag for men, where then size does not matter. In the case of women, the election focuses more on how many things they want to carry inside the wallet because in more than 95% of cases, they all carry their wallet in their women's purse.

Have you counted your stuff? Make a small count of the number of credit cards that you want to carry in your wallet, of cards, of notes, of how much money you use or have to carry in cash, of tickets…. These are questions that you must make to get the right choice.

Book type or American type? How do you want your wallet. Horizontal or also called American because of the shape of dollar bills that are longer than tall, or on the contrary of book type, where they are taller than wide and fit the format of the euro bills and access is a bit less broad ...

With or without closing? This is another thing to consider, but experience tells us that it is a matter of taste. There are customers who want their wallet with external closure to ensure everything that goes inside, either because they assume it so safer, or because they like it better. But we also have clients who want the immediacy of opening their portfolio quickly for pure pleasure or because for their work or day to day they use the portfolio many times in one day.

We hope that we have been able to help you in your choice by answering these seven questions to keep in mind so that your portfolio, whether for men or women, is a success.

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